… würde sich das wohl so lesen wie in diesem Brief des Beraters Mike Hoban, den er als Kolumne für “Fast Company” verfasst hat. Seine These: Bon-Daten-Analysen und darauf basierende individuelle Angebote können für die Kunden ungemein hilfreich sein, weil sie Komplexität reduzieren, das Shoppingleben leichter machen und Preisvorteile mit sich bringen. Wer als Unternehmen diese Möglichkeiten hat, aber nicht nutzt, agiert nicht kundenfreundlich. Hier der Einstieg des durchaus als offenen Brief zu verstehenden Textes, den Rest gibt es an der Originalquelle fastcompany.com:
Im a very regular customer of yours and I am disappointed. In this, the era of “big data” and powerful analytics engines, where individual buying patterns can be tracked and ultimately transformed into personalized pitches for products, I havent heard anything from you about one product you sell that I often buy and which I care a lot about: wine. Especially your discounted wine.You know all about the buying habits of my wife and I and you should have an extensive archive on us. Weve been executive members for 10 to 15 years; we charge everything we buy there to your Amex credit card; we go to your cavernous stores almost every week and our bill is almost never below three figures. Our basement looks like a satellite operation of your warehouses with our 6-month supply of paper towels, the pallet of Ziploc bags, and the barrel of olive oil. We buy a bottle or two of wine most visits and I also stock up on your wine closeouts at another one of your locations in Chicago. I know the “secret” pricing code which indicates closeout prices ending with .97. (…)
via This Is What Happens When You Ignore Your Customers Habits | Fast Company | Business + Innovation.
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